From the beginning at Nocs Atelier we’ve taken a poetic approach to the design process. For the original Seconds watch the design was meant to, in a way, mute the time displayed to lift forward the seconds hand, showing each moment that passes reminding the user that every second is of value. Following up on the success of our debut watch Seconds, for the new watch, we wanted to add more function whilst keeping the unique minimalistic aesthetics of it’s predecessor.
It’s been a long journey arriving to the final product, with many unforeseen twist and turns along the way. We’ve spent over 2,000 hours of refining our design, producing samples, paying attention to every surface, radius and finishing. When you rid an object of visual clutter, it really is the small details that makes a minimalistic design stand out. “Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away” -Antoine de Saint-Exupéry